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Schedule your first Consultation Today

For individuals or couples, book your first consultation through this link.
If you have any questions, please send me an email.

About Me

Hi, I’m Nico. I’m a Registered Nutritionist and trained Dietitian. I can personally help you transform your short-term health and fitness goals into life-changing results. Whatever your goal is, I will teach you and give you evidence-based tools for you to work towards it and maintain those results in time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How it Works

What's your approach?

I work in a holistic and flexible way. I will design a personalized meal guide focused on your personal goals without losing sight of your general wellbeing. I will not give you a strict diet, I will teach you how to change habits, make better choices, organize your meals, take care of your body and mind.

How do you work?

We start with an initial consultation of 1 hour, and then you can book your follow-ups every 2 to 3 weeks. You can book and pay as you go or get a package (and save some $$). We can discuss this at the end of your first consultation, you don't need to decide before that.

Book a consultation

For individuals or couples, book your first consultation through this link:  Book HERE

Do you do strict meal plans?

Only for particular situations/ illness or goals. I prefer to give flexible meal guides as this has been proven to result on better adherence. I will teach you how to eat healthier so that you can maintain the good habits without the need of a nutritionist telling you what to eat everyday.

Do you build workouts?

Yes. Dynamic workout routines are included if needed. However, if you need a personalized routine according to your goal, physical limitations (if any), and preferences, we can work it out. 

Where are you based?

I live in New Zealand but I work online. So, wherever you are on planet Earth, we can work together.