Holistic Blog

all about health

Losing fat by being cold?

Losing fat by being cold?

When we are exposed to cold, a series of adaptations take place that could lead to the loss of fat tissue, but how relevant can this be?  Cold exposure is a manipulation of thermoregulation in the extreme of lowering the temperature by...

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Recap of some points from the last post:According to the headlines, intermittent fasting helps "burn" fat, improves blood pressure, and gut health, and increases longevity and even brain function. I'm signing up now! The problem is that these are...

Intermittent fasting: the definitive guide

Intermittent fasting: the definitive guide

The intermittent fasting craze has taken the fitness and nutrition world by storm. It is definitely a valid strategy for weight loss, but is it better than others? How many hours of fasting can be done? I will summarise the main scientific evidence...

19 ways to improve sleep quality

19 ways to improve sleep quality

My previous post talked about the importance of sleep and how many hours should we sleep. now I want to focus on improving the quality of those hours in bed. There're lots of things that affect our sleep: our pre-bed time routine, our bedroom...

Get the right amount of sleep

Get the right amount of sleep

When I say “healthy lifestyle” I’m sure you think “eating healthy and exercise”. But, have you thought about sleep?In case you haven’t heard, sleep is crucial for your health. Luckily, people are starting to notice the importance of a good quality...

How much protein do I need?

How much protein do I need?

One of the most common question I get asked is: how much protein do I need? Ok, lets start with the basics. What are proteins? Proteins are crucial physiological molecules, involved in nearly every process that happens in our bodies.Such as:...

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